Y Lefelau / The Levels
This page offers
a brief description of the content of the various levels of Welsh language instruction at Cwrs Cymraeg Cymdeithas
Madog (CCCM). We hope this information will be of some use to returning students who wish to review the concepts
studied in previous levels, or those who wish to get a head start on concepts that will be covered in an upcoming
course. It may also help some people who have studied Welsh outside of CCCM to get a sense of where they might
best fit in our seven-tiered curriculum.
Description of the different levels of instruction on Cwrs Cymraeg Cymdeithas Madog
Please note the following important
- The content listed for each level gives only a general idea of what will be covered; teachers tailor their
classes to their students' needs and to their own teaching styles. A number of topics and activities may be included
which do not appear below; these lists should not be regarded as exhaustive.
- If you already know some Welsh but have never attended a Cwrs Cymraeg Cymdeithas Madog before, you must fill
out the placement form so that the Curriculum Committee can place you in an appropriate level. After reading through
the following, you may find that you have an idea what level would be the best fit for you, and we invite you to
share your idea with us when you fill out the placement form.
- Pronunciation
- Greeting and saying goodbye
- Describing yourself
- Asking basic questions
- Talking about someone else (Mae e / Mae hi'n...)
- Talking about the weather
- Talking about the journey (Roedd hi'n....)
- Liking and wanting
- Expressing ownership (Mae ... gyda fi.)
- Saying what you have done (Dw i wedi...)
- Review giving details about yourself (Dw i'n byw... gweithio...)
- Interests (Dw i'n hoffi...)
- The past (Es i... Gwelais i...)
- Sequential events (Ar ôl i fi...)
- Discussing health / ill health (Mae .... gyda fi / arna I)
- Expressing necessity (Rhaid i fi...)
- Telling time (Mae hi'n...)
- Using ers (‘since') (Ers pryd dych chi'n...?)
- Asking for something (Gaf i...?)
- Review / getting to know the class (Enw, byw, gweithio,teulu, diddordebau...)
- Reviewing the past (Es i... Gwnes i...Gwelais i...)
- Describing in the past (Ro'n i... Roedd e/hi...)
- Describing someone's appearance (Mae e'n dew... )
- The future of ‘bod' (to be) (Bydda i... Fyddwch chi...?)
- Discussing future plans (Os ewch chi i..., ... gwelwch chi ...)
- Asking someone to do something (Wnewch chi...?)
- Commands (Cerwch! Peidiwch...!)
- Saying what you should do (Dylwn i…)
- Review / Asking questions
- Review of ‘wedi' (Dych chi wedi... erioed?)
- Review of using ‘ar' ‘i' and ‘gyda' (Mae pen tost gyda fi…Rhaid i fi fynd…)
- Saying what you prefer and what your main interest is (Mae'n well gyda fi…Dw i wrth fy modd yn...)
- Expressing an opinion (Dw i'n meddwl ei fod e'n…)
- Using the conditional (Baswn i... Taswn i...)
- Saying what you would like (Hoffwn i... )
- Saying where you were born and raised (Ces i fy ngeni yn...)
- Using the passive (Cafodd e ei ladd)
- Review / getting to know people
- Describing a place / area (Mae hi'n ardal wledig)
- Discussing size, distance etc. (Pa mor bell yw hi...)
- Giving directions (Ewch ar hyd y ffordd…Cymerwch y tro cyntaf…)
- Comparing (Equative) (Mae e mor dal â hi)
- Comparing (Comparative) (Mae e'n dalach na hi)
- Comparing (Superlative) (Fe yw'r talaf)
- Congratulating someone (Llongyfarchiadau ar...)
- Discussing the news (Lladdwyd y dyn)
LEVEL 6 (formerly Level 5+)
content of level 6 varies from year to year depending on the needs and skills
of the particular group of students, and the individual instructor.
The following list of activities is representative of the kinds of
things that are often covered at this level.
- Making inquiries
- Responsive forms for answering questions
- Describing someone else
- Discussing money and debts
- Using prepositions
- Talking about future plans
- Discussing the news
- Using the passive
- Expressing opinions and conjectures
- Understanding the news & conversations
LEVEL 7 (formerly Level 6)
content of level 7 varies from year to year. The tutor for this level selects
a fairly broad literary or cultural theme around which readings,
discussions and exercises are selected. Students at this level are
able to express themselves entirely in Welsh and this level is taught using
Welsh only.