What is Cwrs Cymraeg?

Calendar of events

What is Cwrs Cymraeg?

Cwrs Cymraeg is our week-long residential course, held in July at a college or university.  Our tutors are native or advanced speakers, and you can visit our Tutor Bios page to learn more about several of our returning tutors.  Each tutor leads a small class, meeting for three sessions a day (lasting an hour and a quarter to an hour and three quarters each, with breaks) Monday through Friday, and we offer classes for every level of Welsh language learner ranging from absolute beginner to advanced student.

Visit our Class Levels page for specific details to help you decide which level you think may be best for you.  Once at the Cwrs, you’ll be able to change levels, if you should need to.

We eat together in a cafeteria style dining hall, and you can choose to sit with people speaking in either or both languages, depending on your comfort level. One tutor is available at each meal for specific questions about Welsh that you may have; but of course, anyone, tutors and all, are happy to try to answer any questions you have, anytime, anywhere, all during the week.

In the evenings, we have a variety of activities to choose from: choral singing, ask the tutors, games night, pub nights, a Noson Llawen (talent night) and our own small Eisteddfod in which all students are encouraged to participate, each at their own level.  Wednesday afternoon we take a break from classes to go on an optional expedition.

Please visit our Frequently Asked Questions page for further answers to specific questions.

History of Cwrs Cymraeg

Since the first Cwrs Cymraeg in Poultney, Vermont in 1977, Cymdeithas Madog has been holding an annual Welsh language cwrs in different parts of North America, and from time to time in Wales, as well. Visit our History of Cwrs Cymraeg page to see where we’ve been and what we did. You can also view the history of Cwrs Cymraeg through our gallery of Cwrs Cymraeg T-Shirts.

Bringing Cwrs Cymraeg to your area

Would you like to work with Cymdeithas Madog to bring Cwrs Cymraeg to your area?  Visit our How Cwrs Cymraeg Can Visit You page for details.

Coming up

Cwrs Cwm Hudson July 2025

July 20 @ 9:00 am