Chair 1988 – Delwyddau Wrth Feddwl Am Y Ffin

Y gerdd fuddugol yn nghystadleuaeth Gadair Cymdeithas Madog, Cwrs Cymraeg Wisconsin, 1988 gan Sion ab Idris (John Otley)

Delweddau Wrth Feddwl Am Y Ffin

Mi ddaeth fflam dros y ffin i newid ein byd.

Ond beth wyt ti’n gofio?
cornau a cheffylau?
concwerwyr a chestyll?
cyfreithiau a chadwyni?
Cofiwch y gogoniant drud.
Cofiwch y cyrff gwaedlyd oedd
yn pobi yn yr haul,
yn pydru yn y glaw.
Ar ôl yr ornest, aeth yr uchelwyr dewr a glân
i ffwrdd dros y ffin i gael bisged a phaned o de
efo’r Brenin yn Llundain bell.
I chwerthin ac i yfed fel gwr bonheddig da.
Dim ond y Werin oedd ar ôl i deimlo’r poen.

Ond beth wyt ti’n gofio?
Unwaith, mi eisteddes i ar y bryn ger y draffordd,
yn edrych ac yn aros i weld rhyfeddod.
Mi ddaeth y ferch hardda yn y byd
ar hyd i’r draffordd mewn M.G. gwyn.
A phan redes i ar ei hôl i ofyn ei henw,
doeddwn i ddim yn medru ei dal hi.
Mi yrrodd hi dros y ffin i Loegr draw, heb edrych yn ôl.
Mi benlinies i yn drist yn y mwg a’r baw,
heb anadl yn ‘yn nghorff
Heb obaith.

Ond beth wyt ti’n gofio?
Unwaith, mi ddes i o hyd i ddyn siaradus
oedd eisiau gweithio dros y ffin.
“Os fyddwch chi’n pleidleisio i mi”, meddai’r dyn,
“Mi fydd rhyfeddodau’n rhad,
a gwyrthiau am ddim.”
Roedd o’n sefyll y tu allan i’r ganolfan siopa newydd,
Aur ac Arian a siwt Saville Row.
A mi roiodd o bamffledi i bawb oedd yn mynd heibio.
Mi edryches i ar y pamffled.
Roedd arno eiriau tlws a hudol.
Geiriau am “Strength”.
Geiriau am “Peace”.
Geiriau am “Jobs”.
Rhyfeddodau’n wir yn y byd rhwng y ffin a’r môr.

Wedyn, mi weles i ddyn distaw efo arwydd bach,
yn protestio’r byd newydd.
Ac ar yr arwydd oedd pump gair unig:
“Cymru fydd fel Cymru fu”

Ond pwy sy’n cofio rwan?

Sion ab Idris

Images While Thinking About The Border

A flame came across the boarder to change our world.

What do you remember?
horns and hooves?
conquerors and castles?
laws and chains?
Remember the expensive glory?
Remember the bloody bodies that were
baking in the sun,
rotting in the rain.
After the contest, the brave, bright nobles went
away over the border to have tea and biscuits
with the King in far away London.
To laugh and to drink like good gentlemen.
Only the common folk were left to feel the pain.

But what do you remember?
Once I sat on a hill near the highway,
looking and waiting to see a wonder.
The most beautiful girl in the world
came along along the highway in a white M.G.
And when I ran after her to ask her name,
 I wasn’t able to catch her. 
She drove over the border to yonder England,
without looking back.
I kneeled sadly in the smoke and mire,
without breathe in my body.
Without hope.

But what do you remember?
Once I came across a talkative man,
who wanted to work over the border.
“If you vote for me”, said the man,
“Wonders will be cheap, and miracles free.”
He was standing outside the new shopping mall,
Gold and Silver and Saville Row suit.
And he gave pamphlets to everyone who was going by.
I looked at the pamphlet.
On it were beautiful and charming words.
Words about “Strength”.
Words about “Peace”.
Words about “Jobs”.
Wonders indeed in the world between the border and the sea.

Then I saw a silent man with a little sign,
protesting the new world.
And on the sign were five lonely words:
“Wales will be as Wales was”.

But who remembers now?

John Otley
Cyfieithiad gan / Translation by John Otley