Y ddarn fuddugol yn nghystadleuaeth Gadair Cymdeithas Madog, Cwrs Cymraeg Ottawa A’r Cylch, 1993 gan Suran Y Coed (Wayne Harbert)
Mae Breuddwyd ‘Da Fi
Mae breuddwyd ‘da fi.
Pont rhwng nawr ac yfory ydy hi.
Mae’r hafn rhyngddyn yn llydan ac yn ddwfn.
Sut gallwn i groesi hebddi?
Des i â’m merch
I’r cymer hardd hwn o’r afonydd
I adeiladu ynghyd pont o freuddwyd
Drwy rannu pethau gyda’n gilydd
Yr oeddwn i wedi dod yn eu caru:
Hen iaith, ffrindiau newydd,
Hanes a hanesyn, cân a Chymreigrwydd.
A rydw i’n breuddwydio dros fy ngeneth
Y bydd digon o awch a heddwch ac amser
Iddi hithau fynd yn saer pontydd gwerthfawr
Rhwng yfory ac yn awr.
Suran Y Coed
I Have A Dream
I have a dream.
It is a bridge between now and tomorrow.
The space between them is wide and deep.
How could I cross without it?
My daughter and I came
To this fair convergence of rivers
To build together a bridge out of dream
By sharing things with each other
That I had come to love:
Old language, new friends,
history and story, song and Welshness.
And I have a dream for my little girl,
That there will be zest and peace and time enough
For her too to become a builder of bridges of great worth
Between tomorrow and today.
Wayne Harbert
Cyfieithiad gan / Translation by Wayne Harbert