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November 2022 Siop Siarad – Intermediate 2

  • November 19, 2022 @ 1:30 am - 2:30 pm

11:30 PDT / 2:30 EDT, Moderator Tim Doughty, on Zoom

Thank you for filling in this brief registration form for our Siop Siarad! Each one-hour conversation group will be limited to 10 participants and will be moderated by an advanced Welsh speaker or tutor. Registration is first-come, first-served. The sessions are free.

Moderator Bio: Tim Doughty bought his first “Welsh for Learners” book in 1979. In those pre-internet days, learning Welsh was a lonely process. After many stops and starts along the way he finally entered the light at the end of the tunnel. During his visit to Wales in 2019 he found that, yes, he is a Welsh speaker, and so are you! Tim now serves on the board of Cymdeithas Madog.

We always welcome donations to our Scholarship Endowment Fund as well as general donations. To make a donation, please visit http://www.madog.org/gwefan/index.php/donations

Registrations are closed for this event