Final Payment

It is possible to pay the remainder of your Cwrs Cymraeg 2013 fees on-line using PayPal and this handy form. Select the options you wish by clicking on the “Add to Cart” buttons. This will add the items to your “shopping cart.” When you choose an item, a window will open showing what is currently in your shopping cart. It will also allow you to change quantities if desired.

It’s easy. Just follow the steps below:

Step 1 – Pay Deposit

If you have not paid your deposit
If you have not paid your $100 deposit to reserve your place on Cwrs Cymraeg, click on the button below to add it to your shopping cart
{loadposition DepositButton}

Step 2 – Balance of Payment

If You Have Not Applied For A Scholarship   If You Have Applied For A Scholarship
If you have paid your $100 deposit and are not receiving a scholarship, choose the appropriate room type from the dropdown list. Then click the “Add To Cart” button to finalize your registration and lodging payment. Please note that the registration cost has been reduced for your $100 deposit   If you have applied for a scholarship for Cwrs Cymraeg 2013, you should hear the results from the Scholarship Committee on or shortly after the end of May. Please wait until you hear the results of your scholarship application before proceeding with your final payment.
{loadposition PaymentRemainderButton}   {loadposition ScholarshipFinalPayment}

Step 3 – Single Room Supplement

If you have registered for a single room upgrade
If you have registered for a single room upgrade, there is a cost of $85 (USD). To pay for your room upgrade, click on the “Add to Cart” button below.
{loadposition SingleRoomSupplementButton}

Step 4 – T-Shirts

If you wish to order a cwrs t-shirt
As is the case every year, we have cwrs t-shirts for sale for $15 (USD). If you wish to purchase a t-shirt, select the size you wish from the dropdown list. Then click on the “Add to Cart” button
{loadposition TShirtButton}

Step 5 – Mid Week Trip

If you wish to join us for the trip
We will have our annual off-campus mid week trip for $25 (USD). If you wish to join us, click on the “Add to Cart” button below:
{loadposition MidWeekTripButton}

Step 6 – Tote Bags

If you wish to purchase a CM tote bag
This year, we’re offering something a little different – an official Cymdeithas Madog tote bag. It’s just the thing to take your books to class and costs $12. If you wish to purchase a tote bag, click on the “Add to Cart” button below:
{loadposition ToteBagButton}

Step 7 – Extra Nights In Residence

If you want to stay extra nights
Extra nights in the university residence will be available 1 night before and after the Cwrs, for those arriving early or leaving late. If you would like to request extra nights, please contact our registrar at the address below with your request as soon as you have finalized your travel plans: {loadposition Registrar}

Step 8 – Verify Your Selections

Verify that you have selected the options that you want
Return to your shopping cart page in your browser. Verify that you have chosen all the options that you wish. If you wish to pay for more than one of each item, use the “quantity” column to choose the appropriate number. Please note that at a minimum you must pay for the course and residence fees in step 2 above.

Step 9 – Make Your Payment

Authorize your payment using PayPal
Once you have verified your shopping cart, click on the “Check Out” button. If you have a PayPal account, you may log onto it and pay using your account. If you do not have an account, you may create one. Follow the PayPal instructions to make your payment

Step 10 – Cymdeithas Madog Scholarship Endowment Fund

If you would like to make a donation

Cymdeithas Madog’s Scholarship Endowment Fund allows students who would otherwise not be able to come to Cwrs Cymraeg to attend. If you would like to make a donation to the Fund to help others come and learn Welsh, you can make a donation to the Cymdeithas Madog Scholarship Endowment Fund using PayPal. To make a donation, click on the “donate” button below. You will be taken to Cymdeithas Madog’s PayPal donation page where you can specify the amount of your donation.

{loadposition DonationButton}

Step 11 – See You In July

Your payment is complete
Your payment for Cwrs Cymraeg 2013 has now been made. We look forward to seeing you in July. If you have any questions or concerns, please consult the registrar at the following address: {loadposition Registrar}