Cwrs Cymraeg (which simply means ‘Welsh Course’) emphasizes the spoken language, and provides instruction at various levels ranging from absolute beginner to quite advanced. The teaching staff of Welsh-speaking instructors is brought from Wales and North America. All of them are experienced, trained teachers, and class sizes are small. There are approximately 5 hours of classroom language instruction per day, supplemented by further language-related activities in the afternoon. Evening events such as singing, Welsh folk dances, Welsh-language films, and a Noson Lawen, or talent night, provide additional opportunities to relax while still enjoying a Welsh-language atmosphere.
The Cymdeithas Madog Cwrs Cymraeg is held once every summer, each time in a different location. In the summer of 2024, for example, Cymdeithas Madog held Cwrs Cymraeg on the campus of Edgewood College in Madison WI. In recent years, the course has gone to such varied places as Baltimore, Ottawa, Milwaukee, Portland OR, Huntsville AL, Albany NY and Burlington in Vermont. Cwrs Cymraeg 2025 will be held in Poughkeepsie NY at Marist University from July 20th to July 27th.
How can anyone learn an entire language in just a week?
Cwrs Cymraeg teaches beginners the basics of the language, builds up their skills and confidence, and gets them off to a strong start. It gives intermediate and advanced learners a vigorous “shot in the arm” through a full week’s immersion in the language, stretching their knowledge and raising them up to a higher level of language ability. Cwrs Cymraeg gives people the tools to learn on their own until the next course.
Then what will I learn in a week at Cwrs Cymraeg?
Cwrs Cymraeg offers six different levels of classes to suit the needs of Welsh language students from those with no knowledge of the language up to those with a near-fluent grasp. What level is right for you?
Why does Cwrs Cymraeg move around? Why doesn’t it stay put?
Cymdeithas Madog wants to give as many people as possible, in as many regions as possible, the chance to learn Welsh. Our course may last only a week, but its impact is long-lasting. Often, after Cymdeithas Madog moves on, the Welsh-learners in the area where the course was held start up a local class and continue studying. In this way, Cwrs Cymraeg blossoms into many Cyrsiau Cymraeg — a multitude of Welsh courses
Will Cwrs Cymraeg ever come to our neck of the woods?
That depends on people like you. Cymdeithas Madog comes to an area at the invitation of people from that area, usually from the local Welsh society. If you would like a Cwrs Cymraeg to be held in your area, talk to your local Welsh society or college about co-sponsoring a Welsh course with us. And, of course, talk to us about it. Cymdeithas Madog will be happy to hear your ideas and tell you what co-sponsoring a course would involve. Contact the Cymdeithas Madog, Venue Coordinator for more information about hosting Cwrs Cymraeg.
How can I get more information about Cwrs Cymraeg?
For more information about the next Cwrs Cymraeg or any other Cymdeithas Madog matter, contact the the Cymdeithas Madog Secretary using our contact form.
Are scholarships available to help defray the cost of attending Cwrs Cymraeg?
Yes! Due to the generosity of organizations such as the Welsh National Gymanfa Ganu Association and the National Welsh American Foundation, there are several scholarships available on a competitive basis. For information on how you might be eligible for a scholarship to Cwrs Cymraeg, visit our Scholarships page or contact the Cymdeithas Madog Scholarship Coordinator using our contact form.
I have another question. Who can I contact to get an answer?
Cymdeithas Madog is always ready to try and help Welsh learners. If you have any questions about Cymdeithas Madog and how it might help you learn more about Cymraeg (“the Welsh language”), contact the Cymdeithas Madog secretary using our contact form.